Tuesday, February 4, 2025

“And the ghost will follow you home and everywhere you go he will roam”

 “And the ghost will follow you home and everywhere you go he will roam”

He follows me to the fridge to get a drink
and even to places you may not think.
Like watching me from the bathroom sink
My life was like his own private reality show
For everywhere I went the ghost would go
To work where I’m sure he must be bored
I’ve pretended he isn’t there -but he doesn’t like to be ignored
“And the ghost will follow you home and everywhere you go he will roam”
He haunts me every single hour
Laughing and pointing while I take a shower
He likes pranks – like steal the phone
He looks like a green glowing dwarhish gnome.
He follows me shopping to the mall
Playing whimsical pranks like making me fall
With bags flying through the air  -not funny at all
“And the ghost will follow you home and everywhere you go he will roam”
I’ve asked him nicely and been polite
I’ve yelled and screamed and laid out my plight
But for some stupid reason he will not leave
Oh and by the way his name is Steve
I tried to take him back one day
But the stupid ghost refused to stay
“And the ghost will follow you home and everywhere you go he will roam”
He is an extremely ghastly appartion
Leaving the house in a messy condition
He never  -ever shuts the doors and throws wild parties with ghost whores
It was pure torture he just wouldn’t leave
A constant nightmare by the name of Steve
If you can’t beat him join em – I finally said
So now we play games like find Steve’s severed ghost head
Now  that I’ve befriended him – it is much more fun
We joke and laugh and drink a ton
The place is still as mess -but I don’t care
You see I’m starting to think Steve isn’t really there/
“And the ghost will follow you home and everywhere you go he will roam”

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