Friday, June 10, 2011

Cuddle Bugs (A little poem March 11th 2009

A little bug wanders
Under a flower canopy
A blanket of Color
And light
He searches
Behind every blade of grass
Behind every small rock and pebble
He is looking for something
.. ..
The weather changes
The light fades
Rain begins to fall
The little bug scurries
Hiding underneath  a rock outcropping
He huddles into a ball trying to stay warm
.. ..
The rain storm continues
Water begins to fill in his little hiding place
He moves back closer to the rock
Bumping into something
.. ..
She unfurls from her little ball
Their eyes meet
She blinks at him
He blinks at her
The water is filling up their hiding place
The embrace forming one little ball
Holding appendages
.. ..
The water sweeps them away
Trying to hold them apart
But the little bugs hug
Eyes locked in a knowing stare
The float in the little river of water
For miles they embrace
.. ..
Finally the river of water slows
And then comes to a stop
The sun comes out and dries the land
They release their embrace
Glance at their new surrounding
.. ..
They sit
Under a flower canopy
A blanket of Color
And light
And they embrace
They are Cuddle Bugs
.. ..
BAC 03/11/2009

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Stage of Life ( A poem) for a friday morning 2/11/2009

Life is like an empty stage
The curtain is closed
A spotlight
Beams down from the rafters
Illuminating the stage
The audience waiting…..
Holding their breath
As they sip there sodas and beers
And nibble on their popcorn
Waiting for something , anything to happen..
.. ..
Life is an empty stage
You can  remain bolted to your chair
Like the Grumpy old men from the Muppets balcony
Sitting there complaining about everything that happens before your eyes.
Or you can jump up
Climb the two or three steps
And stand upon the stage of life
.. ..
.. ..
Life is an empty stage
An artists canvas...
Which you alone can paint a picture on
You have all the supplies
The paint
The brushes
You just need to get off your ass and make the picture come to life
.. ..
Life is an empty stage
And you are standing behind the curtain
The introduction has been made
Time to step out into the lights
And make something special happen
.. ..
BAC 02/11/2009

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A White Crystal Rose 07/30/2009

A White Crystal Rose
Sits atop a stone pedestal
On a silk pillow
In a marble tower

The White Crystal Rose sparkles
Shafts of light bouncing off of it
Reflecting around the room.

It is forever shining
As sunlight trickles down upon it
Through the large open windows
It draws the sun in
And reflects it back outward like a Prism

During the day people come to visit it
They stop to admire it
To stare at it for awhile
From behind the golden ropes
As its sits on its silken bed
They talk about how beautiful it is
How bright it is all day long
No matter what the lighting is like
But they don’t know its secret
At night when the Tower is closed

As the daylight fades
and the tower becomes dark
The White Crystal Rose still shines
Still gleams
Filling the Marble tower with brilliant light

Footsteps echo from a distance down the hall
Heading towards the tower
The White Crystal Roses trembles
The footsteps grow nearer
Crystal dust begins to swirl around the Rose

A figure steps out of the darkness of the hallway
Stepping into the tower filled with light
He unlatches the golden rope with a special key
And approaches the Rose
He leans up close and whispers something to the Rose

The Tower goes completely dark
Then little flecks of crystal dust begin to swirl
Growing brighter and brighter
Swirling faster and faster
And where the Rose had set before
Lays a beautiful naked women
With flowing blond hair
And kind loving eyes

She stands up from Pedestal
Crystal dust falling from her body
Her naked skin still covered in glitter
She smiles
He embraces her
Holding her in his arms
He Leans down as she looks up into his eyes
Kissing the glitter from her Rosebud lips

They walk hand in hand from the tower
Down the dark hallway
To spend the time that the have together

He wakes to her beautiful smile
Her perfect hair draped over her shoulders
He leans in to kiss her
Wishing the kiss could last forever
He stares into her beautiful green eyes

They look over at the clock on the wall
It is time to go
They embrace one last time
Then sadly walk down the dark hallway
Back to the Tower
They kiss again as he helps her back onto her pedestal

Daylight comes
A White Crystal Rose
Sits atop a stone pedestal
On a silk pillow
In a marble tower

BAC 07/30/2009

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Sea Crab’s Dream 08/04/2009

The Sea Crab’s Dream

Waves slowly roll over the sea crab
Pushing it up the white sand beach
Placing it in the  wet sand
The perfect location
To sit and sun itself
Looking out over azure waters.

The crab dreams
Of things a crab shouldn’t dream
Of waterfalls dropping into luxurious pools
Of bikini clad Waitresses
Bringing foo foo drinks
With little umbrellas 

He dreams of these things
Because of his adventure
Taken hostage while in the ocean
By a little toe headed child.
With a shovel and bucket
Taken to a prison cell on floor number 8

Sitting in this prison unable to crawl out
He spent the night afraid and alone
Until a crash and a bang
The bucket tipped over

He escaped
Rode in something called an elevator
Where a women screamed the entire 8 floor ride down
He scurried out of this “Elevator”
Scrambling between  fat sunburnt legs
Of tourists dragging bags filled with beach gear
Down the tiled hallway
Past the reception desk.

Then skidded to a stop……
And saw it ……
This water wonderland
Fake volcanoes with slides
Lava rock waterfalls
Bridges and pathways
Hidden pools of heated steaming water

The humans wandering around
A large pool of water
With a sandy beach entrance
With colored drinks in their hands
All decked out  colorful garments

This was paradise
He found one of the little umbrellas
That had fallen out of a drink
And lounged and listened to the soothing music.
All day long he relaxed
He must tell the others

As the sun began to set
The humans dispersed
He made his way back to the ocean
Across the grass
Over the cement pathway
Over the stretch of sand

He snaps out of this dream
Several crabs are now sitting on the sand beside him
Their little claws filled with beach gear.
He gives the signal
Hundreds of crabs surface from the ocean.
Across the sand
Over the cement pathway
Across the grass….
Screams are heard

BAC 08/04/2009